Community representative vacancies have arisen on the following committees/board:
- PPN Secretariat – 1 Community & Voluntary Representative;
- Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) – 1 Community & Voluntary Representative and 2 Social Inclusion Representatives;
- Climate Action and Planning Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) – 1 Environmental Represesntative;
- Longford Community Safety Partnership (LCSP) : – 8 Community Representatives
- 4 Local Resident representatives who live in the area to represent new communities, minority communities, victims’ groups, residents’ associations, tidy towns group/development associations;
- 2 Community representatives involved in community/social projects;
- 2 Youth representatives, including a young person under the age of 25.
County Longford PPN are currently seeking nominations for the above voluntary positions. If you or a member of your group would like to go forward for election can you please complete the nomination form which has been forwarded to your group contact or download a nomination form at the following link PPN Rep Nomination Form 2021
The deadline for submission of interest is 5pm, Friday 16th July 2021.
As we are unable to meet in person due to the current COVID19 restrictions, the PPN Secretariat will ensure that all groups have an opportunity to participate in a fair and transparent manner. Once nominations are received, elections will take place by using a blended approach i.e. online and postal voting.
If you have any questions regarding the PPN Secretariat, Local Community Safety Partnership or the PPN process for seeking nominations/elections please do not hesitate to contact the ppn at email or phone: 043 33 43492/087 261 5583. Further information on all committees below:
Community & Voluntary PPN Secretariat C&V PPN Secretariat
Local Community Safety Partnership Local Community Safety Partnership
Climate Action and Planning SPC Climate Action and Planning SPC Info
If you require further information on the LCDC or Climate Action and Planning SPC, please contact Ciaran Murphy, Senior Executive Officer, Longford County Council on 043 33 43506 or email: .