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Community & Enterprise Supports Briefing

Laois County Council is the lead authority on the EU JTF Midlands Regional Enterprise Plan Pathways to Transition Project, in partnership with Longford, Offaly and Westmeath County Councils. The EU JTF MREP Pathway to Just Transition project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the EU JTF Fund 2021-2027.

Under Work Package 1 – Midlands Pathway to Transition, county briefings on Community & Enterprise Supports will be held over the coming weeks. In the case of Longford, this will take place on March 12th in St Mary’s Hall in Lanesborough, commencing at 9.30am

Pathways to Funding – Meeting Slides

Please click the link below to access the slides from the Pathways to funding meetings that were held last week (14th -16th January):

Pathways to Funding Slides


Healthy Ireland Fund Open

Healthy Longford is delighted to announce Healthy Ireland funding for 2025 with support of Pobal & Department of Health.

We are now accepting online Expressions of Interest from groups and organisations that have ideas  for innovative community health & well-being projects for their local area. Find attached the Guidance/Terms and Conditions and the Frequently Asked Questions.

Healthy Longford is in a position to fund community projects who can deliver programs/events under following outcomes:

  • Increase in % of adults & children meeting physical activity guidelines (Lifestyle & Behaviour Risk)
  • Increase in individual’s level of positive mental health as per Energy and Vitality Index All. (well-being outcome factor area)

Grants Available:

 – Grants up to €3,000

How does this fund work?

This is a two-phase application. First, an Expression of Interest (EOIs) must first be submitted before the closing date of Friday 14 February 2025 at 4pm. All EOI’s will then be reviewed and only eligible EOIs will be invited to the second stage of submitting a full application form.

This application form will contain more specific details about the project, along with quotations for the elements to be funded, and other supporting documentation.

Before submitting your EOI you should: 

When will the fund close for EOIs? 

  • EOIs must be submitted by Friday 14 February 2025.
  • Incomplete EOIs cannot be assessed for inclusion in stage 2 (full application).
  • Late applications will not be accepted.

Please find linked Expression of Interest form: Healthy Ireland funding (Longford)- Expression of Interest 2025

 Please contact Healthy Ireland any questions you may have on this expression; thank you for your time.

Integrated Care Programme for Older People (ICPOP) – Survey

Your Voice Matters Survey –  Integrated Care Programme for Older People (ICPOP) teams

The HSE is inviting you to complete the survey below if you have attended an Integrated Care for Older Persons (ICPOP) community specialist team. This includes family members or friends who care for someone who has attended the ICPOP team. Your involvement with the ICPOP team can have been at any time during 2024.

The survey is anonymous. Your feedback will be used for presentations and reports to help make services better for everyone who accesses them.

Hard copies of the survey are also being shared directly by the ICPOP teams. An online version of the survey can be accessed here: ICPOP CST Survey ( The survey is live until 31st January 2025 and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete.

The HSE would like to thank you in advance for your time and effort.

If you have any questions or need more information please email

You have the power to shape our health service. Be sure to share your thoughts and make your voice heard!

2025 Collaboration and Innovation Fund webinar

See link below to information about an upcoming information webinar on the 2025 Collaboration and Innovation Fund

CIF 2025 WebinarPDF

Local Enhancement Programme (LEP) 2025

Longford Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) invites online applications from community groups for grants under the Local Enhancement Programme (LEP) 2025.

Online applications must be completed by the chairperson, secretary, or treasurer of the community group.

THREE separate quotations must be uploaded with the online application.  Otherwise, it will be deemed INCOMPLETE and will not be considered for funding.

Closing date for submission of online applications and uploaded supporting documentation is by 4pm on Thursday 30 January 2025.

Late applications will NOT be accepted.

For online application, terms and conditions, and guidelines please see our webpage LocalEnhancementProgramme2025

Community Groups are advised to familiarise themselves with these well in advance of the closing date and to commence their online application as soon as possible.

Healthy Communities – Eating Well As We Age

Sinead Costello, Community Food and Nutrition Worker from EDI Centre Longford, is giving a talk in Longford Library on Tuesday, January 28th at 11am.

Longford Built Heritage Grants

Longford County Council is administering the following built heritage, including archaeological, conservation grants for the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage for 2025

The BHIS – Historic Thatch Fund 2025 (HTF 2025)

  • This was previously known as the Ring Fenced Thatch stream of the BHIS.  Thatched buildings, constructed prior to 1970 are eligible for application, and do not need to be on the Record of Protected Structures. The maximum of all public funding, including the Department of Housing Thatch Support Grant, is 80% of costs. Longford County Council was given a small initial allocation for the county, but it is hoped that additional funding will be made available.
  • In addition to the application form, the applicants must include a method statement and costings from the thatcher. Applicants should be advised that there is a shortage of skilled, practising thatchers at present, but we will try and work with you as much as possible.
  • Anyone interested in applying for this scheme should visit this website, which has the Departmental Circular, application forms and additional guidance. Applications must be submitted by email to by the 17 January 2025.


The Historic Structures Fund 2025 (HSF 2025)

  • In recent years, a number of significant historic buildings in County Longford have successfully availed of this grant and enabled a number of long-vacant private houses to return to being homes in County Longford. Some changes have been made to the Fund this year.
  • The custodians of protected structures requiring significant conservation repairs, particularly where there is a demonstrated community or public benefit, or a clear residential benefit has been demonstrated. The grants will typically be between €50,000 and €200,000, up to 50% of the project cost. There may be some flexibility over allocating the funding over two years.
  • It should be noted that Longford County Council is permitted to shortlist a set number of applications, with the final decision on the funding allocation – if any – being made by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage Assessors. Applicants will be reminded that because this is, in effect, a national competition, their applications must be robust and follow the guidelines given. For this reason, high-quality applications will be favoured applications that less robust.
  • Those interested in applying for this scheme should visit the following website. Completed applications, including all supporting reports and documentation should be emailed to by the 17 January 2025.


Community Monuments Fund 2025 (CMF 2025)

  • Since 2020, the Community Monuments Fund has become one of the most transformative supports for communities with archaeological monuments at their heart. This has enabled communities in County Longford, and Longford County Council obtain funding to undertake necessary research and  Conservation Management Plans to guide necessary repairs for archaeological monuments in this county, while maintaining the cultural, archaeological and natural heritage value of the monument and its setting.
  • The Fund also provides essential capital funding for conservation, and has secured the long-term future of the late-medieval Towerhouse at Abbeyshrule Abbey, and the medieval chapel in St. Brendan’s churchyard in Clondra.
  • There are number of streams in the Fund for 2025, which provide up to 100% funding. Communities and owners of significant archaeological sites should visit the following website for further information and to download the application forms. Completed applications, including all supporting reports and documentation should be emailed to by the 31 January 2025

Should anyone wish to meet to discuss the grants and get additional guidance, you are welcome to make an appointment  through the Longford Library Service on (043) 3341124 or by emailing


FREE “We Can Quit” programme

40th Annual Oliver Goldsmith Festival

Goldsmith Festival 2024 Programme

Age Friendly Newsletter – 17 May 2024

View the Age Friendly Ireland Newsletter dated 17th May 2024.


Colour to Communities Competition

colour to communities

There is an opportunity for groups and communities to win 100L of free paint.

Paint Reuse Network, seeks to rescue surplus paint and bring it back into circulation. There is currently a national paint giveaway competition that the Paint Reuse Network is running. The competition aims to give 100 litres of paint to individuals and/or groups for improving community spaces.

We are seeking a winner in each Waste Region.

More information